
Showing posts from October 8, 2017

Utopia Book 1

"For as soon as a robber sees that he faces no more penalty for a murder conviction than for the mere guilt of theft, he would not hesitate to kill a man he night otherwise just rob." ( More 40)

Utopia Book 2

"Each family makes its own clothes, which are in the same style throughout the iskand exceot for distinctiond between sexes and between the marrued abd singke." "But women, the weaker sex, take on the lighter tasks, generally working with wool and linen, while yhe men do the heavy lavor." Both quotes from Utopia  page 64  

Utopia Q/Q

"That those who blithely  indulge their desires seem better off than those who torment themselves with anxiety in order to publish something meant to bring profit or pleasure to those who all too often receive it with disdain or ingratitude"(More 25). Is he saying that those who follow their dreams and desires are more capable of living in this world as opposed to  those who live in fear and are perhaps are people pleasers ? If yes, I do agree with this statement to a certain extent. I believe the most successful people in this world are the ones who are truly able to get out of their comfort zone and experience new adventures of life . They are living their life for themselves.

Utopia Quote

"It is curious-- we seem to be completely oblivious of the sound opinions of our ancestors until somebody suggests something better. Ther, oh, how zealously, how religiously we adhere to them! Such proud, ridiculous and obstinate prejudices I have encountered in many places, and once even in England." Utopia page 33

Utopia Book 1

"He who has no grave is covered by the sky, and, From all places it is the same distance to heaven."- Powerful

Utopia Book 1

"But rulers must be ready to take good advice." (46) "So if I were to give wise advice to some king, trying to remove the seeds of evil and corruption from his mind, do you not think that as a result, I would be at once banished or ridiculed?" (47)

Utopia Book I Quotes & Questions

"I must say, extreme justice is an extreme injury: for we ought not to approve of those terrible laws that make the smallest offences capital, nor of that opinion of the Stoics that makes all crimes equal; as if there were no difference to be made between the killing a man and the taking his purse, between which, if we examine things impartially, there is no likeness nor proportion." Image from the European Commission Website: Civil Justice Glossary
"The Gallows" by Deviantart user AniqeAnuk "You need not wonder; for this manner of punishing thieves goes beyond justice and is not in the public interest. it is both too harsh a penalty for theft and an insufficient deterrent. for theft is not so hideous a crime that it should cost someone his life, and no punishment, however great, will deter that man from stealing, who has no other means of getting food."