It is really interesting to see the amount of influence religion has on this text. It`s not necessarily surprising but it is still fascinating to see how heavily Christianity and religion in general is called on and the many different ways it is used. Mention of God seems to be one of the most common occurrences in the text, second only to prideful boasts. Its used to glorify ancestry, defend actions, and instill confidence. The text also includes many biblical references beginning very early on. The first direct reference I notices was in lines 106-108 when the story calls on Genesis 4:1-16 the story of Cain and Able. This biblical reference is well suited for the text because so far it incorporates many of the same themes "Beowulf" does. It based around battle and strength, emphases heritage, has a victor and conquered, and it calls on God to condemn. I believe this particular bible verse gives the reader a bit of insight on what to expect from the text.
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