The Pardoner's Prologue & Tale
The Pardoner explains that he is a hypocritical preacher and a con artist in his prologue and then goes on to tell a tale about sins. He identifies greed, gluttony, drunkenness, gambling and swearing. The story he tells is of three Flemish youngsters who learn that their friend was taken by Death and decide, in a drunken stupor, to go after Death and kill him. An old man points them in the direction of a tree where they find a bounty of coins. They send the third one off to fetch wine and bread so that they can sneak the gold in at night time. Both the two boys and the third plot to kill each other and all are successful; death takes each of them. This story reminded me of the Deathly Hallows story from Harry Potter, or at least that is the way I imagined the story looking in my mind. The Pardoner's version is more about how greed is the greatest sin, but he tells the pilgrimage that he sells fake relics and concludes his story by trying to sell them to the Host and accusing him of being the greediest of them all in lines 941-945.

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