What the Everfucking Fuck is Wrong with this Family????

"...Out of thy head I sprung! Amazement seized
All th' host of Heav'n. Back they recoiled afraid
At first and called me "Sin" and for a sign
Portentous held me. But familiar grown
I pleased and with attractive graces won
The most averse (thee chiefly) who full oft
Thyself in me thy perfect image viewing
Becam'st enamoured and such joy thou took'st
With me in secret that my womb conceived
A growing burden." (Book 2, Lines 758-767)

"...and swifter far
Me overtook, his mother, all dismayed,
And embraces forcible and foul
Engend'ring with me of that rape begot
These yelling monsters that with ceaseless cry
Surround me as thou saw'st, hourly conceived
And hourly born as sorrow infinite
To me." (Book 2, Lines 791-798)

And then these hell-hound children of hers crawl back into her womb and chew on her insides? What the fucking shit, Milton?

(Image from Meme Generator - https://memegenerator.net/img/instances/400x/24145011/what-the-fuck-is-wrong-with-you.jpg)
